Selasa, 30 April 2013

Traffic Travis Exclusive 72 hour Special (private)

Hi Agung, after a bit of convincing, I was able to get my good friend
Mark Ling, who is one of the top SEO's in our industry and is well-known
for building killer software products,  to allow
me to provide an exclusive
72 hour special on the Professional Edition of
Traffic Travis for my
subscribers only.

Traffic Travis is one of the best software products on the
planet for helping give you a competitive advantage in
your SEO rankings and also in pay per click traffic.

Why is Traffic Travis Professional so great?

It's great because it helps you to:

    * Track your rankings in the search engines

    * Check your on page optimization so you can tell if you're doing
right (like having an expert looking over your shoulder)

    * Spy on your competitors ppc and organic keywords

    * Analyze the difficulty of ranking for various keywords

    * And much more...

Don't miss out on this exclusive special...
==> Go here for Traffic Travis Pro (special closes in 72 hours)

With this special, you'll get:

1. Professional edition of Traffic Travis for $20 off.

2. 5 great bonuses including:

    * The Ultimate Link Building Tips Video

    * How to make piles of cash from running your own SEO business

    * How to drive lots of leads using stealth offline methods

    * Advanced email marketing strategies

    * Plus a surprise bonus that you'll find on the bonuses page after you join

Go here to claim your copy of Traffic Travis (this includes the bonuses that
you won't find mentioned on the page but will be automatically included):


talk soon,
Matt Callen

p.s.  remember this is first-come, first-serve and only available for the next 3 days.
Check out all the details by clicking here.


iNet Innovation, Inc, 2159 Glebe Street, Carmel, IN 46032, USA

Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options

Rabu, 24 April 2013

download the new SEO Formula Guide (free)

Hey Agung, I recently sent a similar email to an exclusive group
of my members, and they LOVED the new guide I created for them.
So I thought, "Why not share it with the rest of my subscribers?"

I'm 100% sure this will benefit you. I've been getting
a ton of requests for strategies on how to get the best results
from my new SEO link building software (and all types of link building
for that matter).

Questions have been coming in about how I would set up the tiered
linking, what anchor text densities would I use, how many links
would I build, how often per week should I build links, etc...

Simply put:
"How would I use Backlink Beast to get Top rankings in Google?"

I just finished writing a complete guide that answers all of these
questions, and more... It's what I'm calling the Backlink Beast
SEO Formula. Even though this was originally created for
members of Backlink Beast, it can be used by ANYONE.

It's no fluff, straight to the point, and covers the things you
need to know to get your sites ranking in Google, right now in 2013.

You can download it free here:


The tips I share in this guide are the kind of tips that could be
found in a paid course. But I'm GIVING it to you as a valued member.

I want to see your rankings increase. I want to see you get more
traffic. I want to see your sites' make more money.

And this guide WILL help, I guarantee.

As a friendly reminder, the 50% off one time price discount
is ending next week. So if you were on the fence, now's the time
to grab your copy.

You can check out what Backlink Beast is all about here:

(watch the video and see how it's ALREADY helped several users
increase their rankings!)

Either way, make sure you download and apply the new
SEO Formula guide.

talk to you soon with more updates!

Matt Callen

P.S. here's the link one more time to your free step by step guide:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Jumat, 19 April 2013

Police surround MIT building after shots fired in Boston

Police surround MIT building after shots fired in Boston


cls shooting break,cls shooting brake,mercedes benz shooting brake,mercedes cls shooting brake,shooting brake mercedes,mercedes shooting brake,MIT shooting, Boston Explosion, Watertown, Watertown Ma

Rabu, 17 April 2013

Liberty Reserve Payment Received

Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
1. Always address you by your first name.
2. Never send you any links or attached files.
3. Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.

Dear agung,

You have received a payment to your account U7394840 (agung24864):

Date: 4/17/2013 1:32 PM
Batch: 140512574
From Account: U2626352 (EVENorODD)
Amount: $0.01
Memo: Welcome to - Fair Casino Games

Thank you.

Selasa, 09 April 2013

My personal "How to Rank in Google" guide for 2013. (free)

Hey Agung, after sending my top 9 "Penguin-Killer" linking
cheat sheet out on Friday, we've been getting some awesome
questions about about how it can be used with the Backlink Beast
link building, Google ranking software.

If you missed the cheat sheet, you can still download it free here:

I've been answering each question individually in the support desk,
and like I mentioned, there are some REALLY great questions about
proper "linking strategies".  So, I think that you would
benefit greatly by hearing our answers to them.

I created a NEW short "how to" linking guide (no fluff,
straight to the point) that covers most of the SEO questions
we've been getting.  

The guide shows what's working in Google right now in 2013.  
This very second. 

The tips I share in this guide are the kind of tips that could be
found in a course. It's not me reading some FAQ page. It's
answers to really pertinent questions that will help you get your
sites to the top of Google.

The guide is time sensitive information, so take a couple of
minutes and download the PDF free right now:

And just a friendly reminder, the 50% off one time price discount
will be ending very soon, once the launch period ends.

You can check out what Backlink Beast is all about here:


(watch the video and see how it's ALREADY helped several users
increase their rankings!)

And there's also a link to videos of us showing the software in
action at the page above.

talk to you soon!

Matt Callen

P.S. don't forget... the 50% off discount ends shortly:

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options

Jumat, 05 April 2013

my 9 top Penguin killers (free cheat sheet inside)

Hey Agung, I sent you an exciting email on Tuesday about
my brand new Google ranking software that relieves every SEO and
business owner from their worries that they'll never rank on
page 1 of Google, post Penguin and Panda again.

It's all about link diversity and capitalizing on the things
that Google tends to look for when ranking a website.

In this email, I want to do 2 things:

1. Remind you that the 50% off one time price discount will be
ending very soon, once the launch period ends in a few days.

You can check out what Backlink Beast is all about here: (watch the video and see how it's
ALREADY helped several users increase their rankings!)

2. I want to give you (yes, "give"... as in, free) a
short and to the point, link "cheat sheet guide", that is
a great starting point to see what works in SEO in 2013!

This is as up-to-date as you get. It's not long but it's
VERY powerful, and I highly recommend you take a second and, at
least, skim through it. (You could skim it in 60 seconds probably).

In it, I teach you linking guides that I can guarantee will increase
your Google rankings. It's based on hundreds of tests. It works.

To download the "cheat sheet" free, go here:

Matt Callen

P.S. the 50% off deal will be closing as soon as the launch period
is over, so go check it out now:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Rabu, 03 April 2013

Google's new SEO formula goes something like this...

Hey Agung, to rank a website in Google there used to be a pretty
specific formula that would work the majority of the time no matter the niche.
Obviously, this was dependent on the competition too, but the key
strategies used to go something like this...

1. Get a bunch links - a lot of them. Didn't really matter if they
were all coming from the same types of sites or not.

2. Get links with your keyword in them

The formula looked something like this:

- 60% of your links should be your main keyword

- 15% of links are your main keyword + other words (eg: read about,
check out, etc)

- 15% of your links generic text (eg: click here, visit site)

- 10% of your links as the text (eg: your link URL used as the text)

And like a lot of people have experienced, when Google's
updates came around, it effected this "formula". It's not as
"easy" as it used to be.

BUT there's one very good reason that some of our sites
didn't get hit at all, or recovered extremely fast. And it has
absolutely NOTHING to do with where we were getting the links from,
but more so with "how" we were linking... i.e. the link
density and anchor text we were using... and most importantly,
Link Diversity.

We quickly realized that the old way of doing things needed to be
changed. Slamming your sites with a bunch links from the same types of
sites, plus only getting links with keyword rich anchor text is finished
- it won't work.

And the reason we've now rebounded is because of the following
two things:

1. It wasn't the links that were the problem

Getting a ton of links still works. Do I need to repeat that?

Most people froze and just stopped building links altogether
fearing that if they continued, their sites would get hit even

They were wrong. You see I figured that if you suddenly stopped
business as usual, that it would be a sure-fire sign to Google that
you were up to something and then they would hit you even harder.

They were looking for a reaction on your part. If something
suddenly changes, you're likely gaming the system. If your
links are in fact natural, well then why would anything change?

It wouldn't...

So we got that part right and now we're almost back to
pre-Penguin traffic levels and rankings.

But there was a second thing...

2. Anchor text links have CHANGED...

Our formula for the amount of keyword anchor text we used was now
defunct. We didn't change it right away (keeping with what I
outlined above), but we did slowly phase in a new formula.

The new formula goes a little something like this (obviously
adjusting as needed, based on our competition too:

up to 15% - your main keyword that you're wanting to rank for

20% - related LSI keywords (these are keywords related to your main
keyword. Think of these as the "related" searches that
Google shows you as you're typing in their search field).

35-50% - your URL as the anchor text, as well as other combinations of
"branded keywords".

25% - generic keywords

Google is now looking for a more diverse linking profile - a more
natural one.

So if you were building links in the past, you NEED to be building
links now. If you weren't building them... well, good luck
with your rankings. :)

The best part about our NEW sofware, Backlink Beast, is that the links
you are building couldn't look more natural. They are built on a huge
diversity of different types of sites.


And even better, the users of our software who were already building
their links similar to the linking profiles above are ranking VERY well!

So adjust those anchor texts, and continue building more and more
links from a diverse set of sites so that your linking profile is
skewed to a more natural pattern as described above.

Check out several actual user results here: (scroll down on that page just a bit)

Some went from nowhere in the top 100 all the way to #3. Others went from
no-man's land on page 4 for their keywords, up to the Top of Google. Some even
TRIPLED their traffic in just a couple weeks!

But the BEST result of all is a user who was making a little over $4k in December,
then from their increased SEO traffic increased to over $6k in January...
and was then on pace to reach $10k in February! Pretty great stuff.

Can I guarantee this will happen every time? No, obviously I
can't guarantee results like this, but if you check out Backlink Beast
right now, you'll see several other awesome user results that
are very similar to this... So it is very common.

Get access to this same SEO link building software here:

You can either do it manually, or you can use something like our
software that helps automate this natural link building process.
Either way, start using the second formula I laid out for you

No more hype. Just go there. Watch the Video. Check out what it's done
for our current users' sites. Try it, and I guarantee you're going
to love what you see.

All in all, you and a team of ten people probably couldn't keep up to
Backlink Beast. :)

Talk soon and Happy SEO-ing!
Matt Callen


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 02 April 2013

Everyone's asking about this Crazy Google development...

Hey Agung, We've been doing SEO since about 2002
and have learned so much about what it takes to get sites
to the top of Google...Year after year!

A LOT has changed in that time. Way too much to list in this
email. And I'm fortunate to be close friends with some of the brightest
minds in the SEO world.

To put it plain and simple, without sounding overly-confident,
we know exactly what it takes to get sites to the top of Google
for almost any keyword. However, some keywords are so competitive
that even if you ARE doing the right thing, it would take years
to break into the top 10. We usually ignore those.

Sooo, ignoring those 1% of impossibly competitive keywords,
for 99% of keywords, breaking the top 10 is VERY realistic if
you're doing the right things and getting the right diversity of

Anyway, with all of this said, TODAY I'm releasing what many are
calling the biggest, baddest SEO software released to the internet
marketing community in 2013. ;-) that's what I like to call it anyway.

The types of links (diversity), and the speed at which it gets those links
(not too fast, not too slow), are exactly what Google is looking for.

This is the closest, to date, that anyone has ever gotten
to controlling roughly where they'll rank in Google.

Here's the link where you can learn more about how it works
and what it can do for you:


During beta, we had several users trying this software out and following
our training to make sure it actually worked like we wanted it to.

Check out the actual user results here: (scroll down on that page just a bit)

Some went from nowhere in the top 100 all the way to #3. Others went from
no-man's land on page 4 for their keywords, up to the Top of Google. Some even
TRIPLED their traffic in just a couple weeks!

But the BEST result of all is a user who was making a little over $4k in December,
then from their increased SEO traffic increased to over $6k in January...
and was then on pace to reach $10k in February! Pretty great stuff.

Can I guarantee this will happen every time? No, obviously I
can't guarantee results like this, but if you check out Backlink Beast
right now, you'll see several other awesome user results that
are very similar to this... So it is very common.

Here's the link again:

No more hype. Just go there. Watch the Video. Check out what it's done
for our current users' sites. Try it, and I guarantee you're going
to love what you see.

That's all. Happy SEO-ing!

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc

P.S. it's important to keep in mind... SEO is usually never
an "instant" thing, so your results may vary based on several
different factors. SEO is long term strategy, and this is how
we've built our system... For the LONG haul!

All in all, you and a team of ten people couldn't keep up to
Backlink Beast. :)


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 01 April 2013

Google linking Cheat sheet (free)...

Hey Agung, today I want to tell you about something we've been
testing for a while this year, and without sounded too hypey...
it's as close as you can get to the good old "magic bullet" that
used to exist prior to the Penguin and Panda updates.

Our team has used this on tons of our sites, as well as several of
our SEO clients' sites too, and we're releasing it tomorrow
at 12:00pm Noon Eastern. (opens Tues at 12 noon Eastern)

One example client was able to get their site ranked #3 in Google
for his keywords after just 4 days. And here's all he did...

- Created a web page with the basic on page seo factors (nothing
- Drip fed links to his site from various web properties using OUR
new software (Backlink Beast), and didn't even have to use
their main keyword in any links.
- 4 days later, ranked at the top of Google!

Yes, I said, 4 days later.

One of the most important points here is "Daily Drip Feed" and use a
lot of platforms to build your links so that it will look natural in
Google's eyes. He was following the basics around our "linking
cheat sheet for 2013", which you check out here (Free):


Basically, what I'm saying is, all he did was some basic on
page optimization, set up his site's linking strategy with our
software, and that's it!

Can I guarantee this will happen every time? No, obviously I
can't guarantee results like this, but tomorrow when we release
the software, you'll see several other awesome user results that
are very similar to this... So it is very common.

Plus, tomorrow you'll be able to get access for yourself. For
now, get signed up to the early bird notifications so you can get
access before the rest of the general public.


Can't wait for tomorrow to show you what we've been working on!

talk soon with more updates,
Matt Callen

P.S. Don't forget to take a look at the Free Linking Cheat
Sheet for 2013:

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: