Selasa, 30 November 2010

Early Bird Discount & Bonuses End Today (final call)

Just a polite reminder that the Early Bird discount price is
Ending and the price will Go Up in less than 24 hours...

ALSO - Get this now today and you'll also get unlimited access to
MyArticleNetwork and SEOLinkVine for one FULL month, where you'll
be able to increase your Google rankings and traffic by
building tons of links from the networks!

We don't offer this deal anywhere else, and we don't plan on
every doing this again!

Just use this link before NOON Eastern Time, Wednesday afternoon.


To claim your SEOLinkVine and MyArticleNetwork bonuses, just go
to the Resources page in your members area after your purchase.

To Your Success!
Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc

(You have nothing to lose and lots to gain on this one)

Early Bird discount ends in less than 24 hours. Get it here:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 29 November 2010

Lihat profil Facebook saya

Jasa ingin agar Anda bergabung ke Facebook.
Halo Agung,
Jasa Mengurus Tanah mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan Facebook. Setelah Anda bergabung, Anda akan dapat melihat berita terbaru, foto, dan hal lain dari semua teman ... dan berbagi berbagai hal dari Anda juga!
Inilah beberapa orang teman Jasa di Facebook. Adakah salah satu dari mereka teman Anda juga?
Bergabung dengan Facebook diundang untuk bergabung di Facebook oleh Jasa Mengurus Tanah. Jika Anda tidak ingin lagi menerima email sejenis ini dari Facebook, klik di sini untuk berhenti berlangganan.
Facebook, Inc. P.O. Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Don't open UNLESS you want to Increase Google Rankings

Hey Agung,
I'm not sure if you saw this last week or not, but in case you didn't,
I'm sending it again just to make sure... it's that important.

Over the past few weeks, I've been receiving a lot of the same
questions revolving around topics like...

- how do I get ranked in Google?

- I don't have much money to spend on advertising, so how can I get
free traffic?

- Why can't I get any visitors to my sites? I keep hearing about
people getting thousands of visitors, but I can't seem to get ANY!

- Matt, what do you do personally to get traffic to your sites?

So what do I personally do? Well, to be honest, I do several different
things and don't put all of my eggs into one basket. HOWEVER, I
ALWAYS use this one method time and time again with ALL of my sites.
This strategy is the first one that I use and by far the one that
brings in most continued amounts of long term traffic...
free traffic from Google, no matter what niche topic the website
is about.

So what's this 'secret' strategy?

Instead of describing exactly what I do with a bunch of text, I
thought it would be much easier and more time efficient for YOU if
I just created some video lessons.

Watch the exact same traffic generation techniques that I personally
use and have my employees doing for me, day in and day out. I think
you'll be really surprised how easy this is... it's not rocket
science. If it was, I wouldn't be doing it! :)

Here's the link to the first video:

AFTER you watch the Video #1, check out Video 2 and 3 at the link

I'll be in touch soon with more training and updates!

All the best,
Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S. In case you want to see all of the videos in one day, here
are the links...

Video #1:
Video #2:
Video #3:

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Your Black Friday and Launch Special

Hey Agung, hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday
(if you celebrated). For me, it was great to sit down for a big
meal with extended family and friends.

And what's Thanksgiving without Black Friday shopping discounts the
day-after, right?

I was watching the news this morning, and they predicted over 100
million people shopping outside of their homes today to grab those
big discounts! :)

So this year, I decided to offer my own Black Friday discount
during our big List Building Automation launch.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Today through Wednesday, Dec 1st, you can
get a *significant* discount on my brand new list building course
at .

In less than 5 days, I'll be increasing the price to the regular
offer. It's on a first-come, first-serve basis to get the
launch discount so before you decide to ignore this, you should
think twice because this course will most likely never be made
available at this launch discount again!

The product has been receiving RAVE reviews ever since it was
launched a few days ago, and I think you'll agree once you get your
hands on it!

If you want a business that brings in truly automated profits, you
NEED a list, no matter what market you are in... and in this
course, I'll show you exactly how I've built up a list of 300,000
subscribers from scratch and how I make money from that list on a
consistent basis.

If you're one of the few who are still skeptical about list
building and the power it can have on a business... You should
rethink your mindset because this is the REAL deal, with real
proof, and real results.

Get the HUGE discount here:

Have a great weekend!

Be in touch soon,

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S. Get access to the special launch-only discount and start
building your list here:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Liberty Reserve Payment Sent

Please note that in all e-mails from Liberty Reserve we will:
Always address you by your first name.
Never send you any links or attached files.
Never ask you to send us your password and/or login PIN.

Dear agung,

You have successfully sent a payment from your account U7394840

Date: 2010-24-11 20:39:51
Batch: 49975079
Sent To: U5589208
Amount: $0.05
Memo: LR:0.05

Thank you.

Re: Time Sensitive Update... personal from Matt

Hey Agung, first off Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! This
is always a great time for my friends, family and I to get
together... so even if you're not celebrating this holiday
tomorrow, I wanted to extend my warm wishes to you. :)

And secondly, I've got a really important, *time-sensitive* update.

IMPORTANT: In less than 7 days (actually, most likely before),
I'll be increasing the price of List Building Automation. It's on
a first-come, first-serve basis to get the launch discount so
before you decide to ignore this, you should think twice because
this course will most likely never be made available at this launch
discount again!

If you want a business that brings in true automated profits, you
NEED a list, no matter what market you are in... and in this
course, I'll show you exactly how I've built up a list of 300,000
subscribers from scratch and how I make money from that list on a
consistent basis.

If you're one of the few who are still skeptical about list
building and the power it can have on a business... You should
rethink your mindset because this is the REAL deal, with real
proof, and real results.

Get the launch discount here:

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving tomorrow!! :-)

Be in touch soon,

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S. Get access to the special launch-only discount and start
building your list here:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 23 November 2010

ListBuildingAutomation is LIVE + BIG surprise for First 25 members

Hey Agung, today's the day!
(LBA) opens up to the public at exactly 12:00 noon EST... AND the
first 25 customers also get FREE lifetime access to one of our
exclusive membership programs that we normally charge at least
$67/month for.

LBA is the same system that has helped me (and many of my clients),
build lists of hundreds of thousands.

If you haven't been following along over the past couple weeks,
this is a brand new system for getting massive amounts of leads on
your email lists...and then taking that list and knowing HOW to make
money from it!

It's on a first-come, first-serve basis to get the launch discount
and one-time only fast action bonus... so you're going to want to be
at the site when it opens at 12:00 noon EST today.

If you're one of the few who are still skeptical about list
building and the power it can have on a business... You should
rethink your mindset because this is the REAL deal, with real
proof, and real results.

Check out some of the results after using ListBuildingAutomation:

I won't beat around the bush any longer with this email, as I've
been sending you free list building reports and various other
emails about ListBuildingAutomation over the course of the last 3
weeks, so I'm sure you already know just how powerful it is.

And remember, the first 25 customers get FREE lifetime access to
one of our exclusive membership programs that we normally charge at
least $67/month for.

The first 25 customer limit will go FAST. I'm talking, under 3
minutes or so...


So, click the link above as soon as you can and if you read this
email as soon as I sent it, you might sneak into that first 25
customers list.

Have a GREAT Tuesday! :-)

Be in touch soon,

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S. Get access to ListBuildingAutomation and get massive email
lists here:


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 22 November 2010

Don't forget. Important Update!

Hey Agung, don't forget tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12:00 noon
EST goes live.

If you haven't been following along over the past several weeks,
it's my brand new list building system that I (and many of my clients)
been using to generate lists of hundreds of thousands. And the best
part about the course is teaching you HOW to monetize your lists
after you've built them (we teach both parts!).

Also, don't forget that the FIRST 25 members get free LIFETIME
access to the special "first mover's" bonus that I currently only
sell to an exclusive group of members for a hefty monthly price.

During launch, I can guarantee the price will be lower than any
other time that we sell this product. So be sure to be ready at
12:00, noon Eastern Time tomorrow (Tuesday) to get discounted

In the meantime, if you have not yet read the free list building
report I sent out last week, I highly suggest checking it out
today. You can grab it here:


That's it for now. Don't forget tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12:00 EST will be available to the public.


Talk soon!

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc.


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Do you get enough traffic? (Here's how to get more)

Hi Agung,

After doing this for over 4 years, I've tried just about every known
way to get traffic to my websites. And to be quite honest, most of
what "marketing" is all about is getting people to see your offer.

Once they see it, your gears switch from marketing to sales. So
when we think about internet marketing, it's really "how can we get
more and more people to see our offer?" From there, our mindset
should change from thinking as an internet marketer to thinking
as an internet salesman.

I think that's why starting an online business is a lot harder
than a lot of people make it out to be. Let's be honest... It's
tough to get people to your website. Traffic doesn't just happen
over night. Once the visitors start coming... well, then the sales
part is a breeze. It's the "internet marketing" part that can be
difficult and downright discouraging.

I've been doing this online thing full-time for over 4 years now,
and I've literally tried just about every single traffic-generating
strategy you can think of. Aside from joint ventures (and that is
usually just a quick, short-term burst of traffic), the single best
way to get long-term traffic is through the search engines.

There are several reasons why.
- the people visiting your sites from search engines are highly
targeted. Think about it, they were essentially searching for YOUR

- It's free! You can't beat that, right?

- Everyone uses search engines to find what they're looking for.
So your market potential is HUGE!

- Did I mention that organic search engine traffic is free?

There are several ways to increase your site's rankings in the
search engines, but what I've found to be the absolute best way is
to get loads of ONE-WAY "backlinks" pointing to your site. This
tells the search engines, like Google, that your site is
important. The more links there are pointing to your site, the
higher your search engine rankings will be. PERIOD!

From my own experience, I've found article marketing to be THE best
way to get backlinks to your site.

More backlinks = higher search engine rankings = more traffic! It
doesn't get much simpler than that.

So how do you get these one-way backlinks? Easy... Article Marketing


The idea behind article marketing is that you write an article on a
similar topic to your website, add a link inside the article that
points to your website, submit that article to several of the
biggest article directories online, and then sit back and watch how
well-dispersed those links become across the internet.

The problem I used to have was spending my entire day writing
article after article. It took way too long, and I hated writing
to begin with. So the next thing I did was I hired a writer to do
it for me. It took me a really long time to find a good, quality
writer I could trust... and once I did, I was spending an arm and a

So I thought, I'll just have my programmer create an article
writing and spinning software program for me that would take my
old, plr articles and write new ones. I tried all of the other
"spinners" out there, and they were (in my honest opinion) total

After several months of programming, adding all of the features
that I personally needed, and then doing fine-tune tweaking even
further, I started using my own software to rewrite individual
articles into literally hundreds of other UNIQUE articles.

The end result: I only had to spend a few minutes to produce loads
of quality and unique content that I could submit to article


After just a few months, I started seeing my sites in the top 5
positions for VERY competitive keywords. And this has continued
for a very long time. This isn't like joint venture traffic that
is a single burst of visitors. This is LONG-TERM. Do you think
it's brought a lot of traffic my way?

Absolutely! Once the traffic started coming, "selling" was the
easy part.

I originally created this software for my personal use, but then
thought... what the heck, I've seen some great advances in my own
business so why not share this with you.

So I had a graphic designer make the software interface look nice
and pretty and I created a site so that you too can start building
more long-term traffic to your sites.


Real online businesses think long-term. And this is, in my
opinion, one of the single best ways to bring visitors to your
site long-term.

Enjoy this one,
Matt Callen

P.S. If after you take a look at the software, let me know
if you have any suggestions or feature requests. I've put everything
I can think of into this software, but if you've got any ideas, don't
hesitate to let me know.

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Jumat, 19 November 2010

agung24864, Complete your APSense profile

Hi agung24864!

APSense added new features about profile (Nov 18th).

You can now fine tune tour profile by setting your fields of expertise, tags for what you have to offer (haves) and tags what you want others to offer you (wants).

You also can add facebook, twitter, eZine ID into your profile.

Click here to view your profile.

See your current profile:
(You will find guidelines in the right sidebar if you sign in.)

Go to your profile and update it now!

You were sent this email because you are a member of
If you wish to unsubscribe or switch to vacation mode, you can do so by going to and logging in to change the subscription options.

Contest Winners announced! Free Lifetime Memberships

Hi Agung, I spent all week reading through all of the
entries to the contest.

There were over 150 entries into the contest. For anyone that
knows much about contest like these, that is A TON of entries!

There were so many great action plans submitted that it was really
difficult to choose 1 clear cut winner for the lifetime ListBuildingAutomation

I've written a blog post to declare who won, as well as mention a big
surprise. :)

Go here, then scroll down the page to the blog section to see


Also, don't forget, is opening to the public at
12:00 (noon) ET on Tuesday November 23rd... which is THIS TUESDAY.

Anyway, go here and scroll down the page to the blog section to see
if you won the contest and check out the surprise...


Have a fantastic weekend and I'll talk to you soon.

Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Urgent: Contest ends tomorrow at 1:00pm EST!

Hey Agung, I've been emailing you this week about the
contest where you can win a FREE lifetime access membership to List
Building Automation (before it's even available to the public)!

Well... the Contest ends TOMORROW (Friday, November 19th at 1:00pm EST)

I'm giving away one (or possibly multiple) free, lifetime memberships
to this "system".

And the contest doesn't favor anyone more than another. Everyone
has an equal opportunity to win this lifetime membership.
Beginner, newbie, expert... it doesn't matter

Go here, grab your copy of the free report, and then read the
specific contest details on the blog post after signing up, to
learn how you can win your free lifetime membership!


The sooner you get there and enter the contest, the better, because
I'll be personally reading an reviewing A LOT of entries. I'll be
reading them in the order they were submitted, so those at the
beginning will naturally catch my attention more.

So go there now and read the details:


Having a lifetime membership to a system like this is like handing
you a massive list free.

Be in touch soon,
Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Free SEO Traffic Generation Video Lessons...

Hey Agung,

Over the past few weeks, I've been receiving a lot of the same
questions revolving around topics like...

- how do I get ranked in Google?

- I don't have much money to spend on advertising, so how can I get
free traffic?

- Why can't I get any visitors to my sites? I keep hearing about
people getting thousands of visitors, but I can't seem to get ANY!

- Matt, what do you do personally to get traffic to your sites?

So what do I personally do? Well, to be honest, I do several different
things and don't put all of my eggs into one basket. HOWEVER, I
ALWAYS use this one method time and time again with ALL of my sites.
This strategy is the first one that I use and by far the one that
brings in most continued amounts of long term traffic...
free traffic from Google, no matter what niche topic the website
is about.

So what's this 'secret' strategy?

Instead of describing exactly what I do with a bunch of text, I
thought it would be much easier and more time efficient for YOU if
I just created some video lessons.

Watch the exact same traffic generation techniques that I personally
use and have my employees doing for me, day in and day out. I think
you'll be really surprised how easy this is... it's not rocket
science. If it was, I wouldn't be doing it! :)

Here's the link to the first video:

AFTER you watch the Video #1, check out Video 2 and 3 at the link

I'll be in touch soon with more training and updates!

All the best,
Matt Callen

iNet Innovation, Inc.

P.S. In case you want to see all of the videos in one day, here
are the links...

Video #1:
Video #2:
Video #3:

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 16 November 2010

How to Build a List FREE + a big special surprise!

Hey Agung, this week is a very big week for you and me...

I'm putting the final touches on a brand new list building
course/package that I've been secretly creating. One that's helped
me build a highly responsive list of over 300,000 subscribers!

Well, today I want to give you FREE access to a list building
book that shows you one of the main strategies that I've been
using to get such massive lists, and more importantly "RESPONSIVE"

After you grab the free book, make sure you read the short blog
post... I've got a big surprise for you! :)

Here's the link:


Then be sure to go through the free report. It lays the foundation
for you in terms of what online visitors are *really* looking for
and why this works so well.

Go there now and I'll be in touch soon with details on HOW you can
get FREE lifetime access to ListBuildingAutomation before it's
released to the public!

Talk soon. Enjoy the freebie!

Matt Callen

Get your free list building book here:

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Win $100 plus 500 APSense credits


The Apsense Countdown Event is going full speed ahead. If you have not yet joined this event, you may want to do so today. It is free to join, upgrades are optional. This is your opportunity to build a huge list, get a bunch of new customers and sell your products.

Because we want all Apsense members to take advantage of this opportunity, we decoded to run a contest. Prizes will cash and Apsense points.

Join the event,

Login to your account, click on "NEWS" to find the details about the contest.

Hurry, the contest is already underway and thoses already a part of this event have a head start.

Good luck and we'll see you later.


Gilberto Cintron & Wincer

Fredericksburg, VA 22407 - USA

Business Social Network for Growing Your Business Online

You were sent this email because you are a member of
If you wish to unsubscribe or switch to vacation mode, you can do so by going to and logging in to change the subscription options.

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Agung, my personal Adsense software

Hey Agung,

You may have gotten this email from me before, but just in case, I wanted to make
SURE that you received it this time.

As a member of HyperVRE, I want to make sure that you're aware of a
software program I just released publicly. I had originally
created this software for my personal use, but then thought... what
the heck, I've seen some great advances in my VRE business so why
not share this with my members.

So I had a graphic designer make the software interface look "nice
'n pretty" and I created a quick site for it.


As you know, Google provides you with very little information in
your AdSense account. Obviously page-impressions, average
click-through rates, and revenue stats are all very useful - but the
"real" important stats have pretty much remained a secret.... until

I won't go into all of the details about each and every feature of
the software in this email, because you really need to check that
out for yourself. And in addition to full access to the software,
I've also set up a Closed-Door Affiliate program specifically for


Bad news is this deal may not stick around for long. Since I have
been using this software for quite some time now, and have seen
several positive results from it, I don't want everyone and their
brother finding out about it.

Good news is... You can now learn what Google isn't telling you about
your AdSense ads, and use that info to increase your AdSense
income. Heck, you can even refer others to buy the software, and
make some cash. You can't beat that, right? ;-)

Hope your having an amazing week!
Matt Callen

P.S I've personally been using this exact software for awhile now,
and it's helped me narrow down my VRE sites to carry only the most
optimal ad formats, placements, and keywords that work. Now it's
just a matter of washing, rinsing, and repeating what works. ;-)
Give it a shot and let me know what you think.


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Get 3 of our best-selling products FREE...

Hey Agung, sorry for getting this to you a bit late, but
for some reason my email service was acting really slow today...

Anyway, the main reason of this email is to give you 3 of our products free.

- MyArticleNetwork FREE Thirty Day Access (normally $47/month)
- NicheRevolution 2.0 LIFETIME Membership (normally $67/month)
- Advanced Profit Secrets Video Training Course ($97)


- SEO Masterclass by Alex Goad ($97)
- Autocontent Cash ($77)

That's 5 total products that are normally only available if purchased.

Now I'm sure you're probably wondering why in the world I would do
this (other than the fact that I'm just a nice guy ;-) haha.
All the details are here:

So let me be totally upfront with you.

Today at 12:00 NOON EST there is a fully automatic IM, underground product
being released to the public...

... and it works! And HAS been working for several months already.

It's a proprietary software called Authority Pro and was developed by
Alex Goad, underground affiliate Bryan McConnahea, and a team of programmers...
And it has some REALLY cool features here:

After you install it, you'll see what I mean... Even the admin panel is
transformed, enabling drag and drop capacity, template based pages, posts,
reviews and squeeze pages and over 12 custom plugins pre-integrated to do
everything from SEO optimization to expert monetization...

I've also heard he's putting together a pretty killer deal for
charter members (people who get in first) and some very nice
bonuses. This is the sort of thing you can't pass up if you expect
to stay ahead of the competition.

And to prove to you that this new software IS great, I'm willing to
give you 3 of our best selling products Free PLUS 2 additional products.

You can do the math. If I gave just 15 people a membership to NicheRevolution 2.0,
that's over $1,000 PER MONTH I essentially gave up... and I'm willing to do that,
because this software IS good.

Ok, so here's what you'll need to do to get your free copies:

1. Go here and check out the bonuses.

2. Then grab a copy of the Authority Pro software:


3. Submit a support ticket to the "Claim Bonuses" section of our
support desk and include your name, email, and Clickbank receipt number.
We must have ALL of that information to set you up.

4. That's it!

Ok, sorry for the lengthy email. I meant to keep it short, but
always seem to type too much. So, again, to get my bonus products free,
go here and follow the steps listed above in this email:

Have a great week!

Matt Callen
iNet Innovation, Inc


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 08 November 2010

(Video ) How To Make $415.86 in 42 Mins... Magic Unknown Trick

Dear Agung

My friend's Jani G & Dylan Loh have allowed me
to share this special video with you that reveals...

How to make Between $203.45 - $502.38
per day with just 42 mins work,  using the G.H.S Trick..

( no one else knows about this method )

Watch it here:

And the best thing about this method is that
you just set it up once, and the money keeps
coming in..

It's really cool, and I think you are going to like
this video.

Alex Hitman

P.S - You don't need to opt in or anything to watch
the video, it's totally free training.

P.O. Box 18 11 28
Germany. EU

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Minggu, 07 November 2010

APSense Big Upgrades in Nov 7th

Hi agung24864!

Don't miss the chance to take a look on what new upgrades at APSense.

APSense Group 2.0 launched today!
Have you ever wanted to create a membership site?
You can now do so, no technical skills required.

Any many new features are added into APSense.

Learn more details on APSense Upgrades, please click here.
Or type the link below into your browser.

The APSense Team

p.s. I assume that you have not visited for long time.
Click the following link to check APSense Updates on Oct.

You were sent this email because you are a member of
If you wish to unsubscribe or switch to vacation mode, you can do so by going to and logging in to change the subscription options.

Jumat, 05 November 2010

We'll Give You Products to Sell As Your Own

Hey Agung,

My brother Brad and I have been getting lots of emails from our
subscribers asking for our marketing advice. Most of the questions
are "repeat questions", basically revolving around how to create
information products that people want to buy...(i.e. how to find a
good niche, how to market the product, how to make it look
enticing, how to write it) and so on and so forth.

I spend a good majority of my mornings answering these emails and
listening to people ask why their products aren't selling. So...
while talking with Brad, we had a "light-bulb moment"!

We thought, rather than giving the same answers to people and
leaving it up to them to take action, we thought... Why don't we
just do it all for them? Leave nothing to chance.

So here it is:

We'll make the entire product-creation, website-creation,
email-creation, 'everything-creation' process ALL hands free. No
work for you... Freeing up your time to do the fun stuff, the

Agung, all of these products would be produced for you
by the EXACT same people that we personally use for our own
marketing. We would manage and pay our own, and many of the top
marketers' "go-to-guys" to create these products specifically for
you. Ever heard of Ray Edwards (the copywriter)? He's one of the
most highly requested copywriters on the 'net... and we've got him
on our team!

Well - the site is up and running. We're limiting the number of
seats and have been telling all of our subscribers about this, so
when I say head over there now... I really mean it. :-)


Hope to see you in the member's area.

Matt Callen

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

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Agung, FREE GIFT: How To Create a Simple Video Blog and Use It To Generate Profits!

Dear Agung

There is something that really worked for me:

With so many people enjoying videos uploaded
by everyday people why not use this growing
phenomenon to make money. Imagine easily
creating your own video and then actually
making money with it! It's so simple.
Free gift from Alex Hitman:  free ebook 26 pages

Agung, let me know if need anything, I will do my best to help you.
Just email me at I'm online now.

Kind regards

P.O. Box 18 11 28
Germany. EU

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