Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

[Today] The SEO "LIE" is Debunked... (5pm EST)

So yeah, I have heard it too (probably a thousand times)…
"SEO is Dead". 

What's funny though, the same "Gurus" that say this are
using it to RANK THEIR sites! LOL  

They've decided to go along with Google and just scare
everyone away from the loads of traffic that is attainable from it.
It's ridiculous.

And, my friend (and partner on several projects), Dori Friend
(SEO Queen since 2001) is going to prove to you it's NOT dead... 
It is more alive then ever, easier then ever AND that it out performs
paid traffic when you compare side to side.

And we're going to prove it to you tonight.

In fact, Dori just ran a case study to get 1,000 clicks to
her website, comparing  PPC vs SEO.  70% of those clicks
came from SEO (FREE traffic).

Clicks and quality of the visitors are good and all…
But from those targeted visits, SEO produced $1750 in sales
while PPC only earned a profit of $300 (after having to pay $600 in traffic).

We have secured a PRIVATE Live Training TONIGHT at 5pm EST
only for our subscribers where we're going to reveal exactly how
you can rank your sites with the new wave of SEO,
PLUS 8 strategies for making real money from it.

Here's just a taste of what you'll learn in this incredible live training

*    How FREE Traffic can virtually guarantee you profits –
     You're your first $10,000 in any niche you want.
*    Learn how to OUTSMART the Google algorithms to build a life-long business!
*    7 Step Formula to Rank Any Website on the First Page of the Search Engines
*    8 Different ways to make money using just ONE talent set.
      Learn a few steps once and profit from it over and over!
*    Dori Friend's Patent Pending Technique to Rank (you can use this same software)

She goes a step further and gives you details on the 8 best
business models that are low hanging fruit in today's world,
that you can start making money with as little as 4 hours a week of work.

Really, I didn't believe it until she showed me the proof and that
s why I got her on this live event to show you!

see you at the webinar,
Matt Callen

P.S.  Again, I don't want to be too hypey, but you Do NOT want to miss this one… 

iNet Innovation, Inc, 2159 Glebe Street, Carmel, IN 46032, USA

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