Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

New updates at APSense Brand Marketing Center

Hello, agung24864!

An APSense Brand Page is not something to create and then leave and hope for the best. It requires regular updates from the owner or administrators of the Brand Page. As your brand influence grows so will your BMC score, which will indicate to those who view your Page the strength of your brand.
The latest upgrades include:
  • The addition of 3 Social Media Sites from which material is drawn for your Recent News, and that your readers can Follow or Subscribe to. These are: Vimeo, DeviantART, YouTube
  • APSense Brand Pages now support tiled backgrounds, so you can use small repeating images as the background to your brand page. When editing the background you can elect to check the Tile option to created a tiled background.
  • Brand pages now support Open Graph Protocol. That means that when people share your Brand Page your brand logo will be automatically shared on the facebook newsfeed.
Members have created 1067 Brand Pages and that number is continuing to grow.

You can also share your thoughts about the influence of Brand pages in this poll.

When you have responded you will be able to see the results to judge just how influential a well prepared and updated Brand Page can be for you and your brand.

Thank you!

The APSense Team

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