Minggu, 03 April 2011

Welcome to APSense Wiki! We need your support!

Hi, agung24864!

APsense Wiki is an on site encyclopedia all about APSense and its' many add-ons and features. The Wiki is designed to be a central information database for all APSense users to easily find information and answers about APSense and APSense provided services. What we will need is more members to become contributors.

How you can become a Contributor?

The APSense Team would like you to take a few minutes and compose and email on why you would be the right candidate for this position. As a Contributor on the APSense Team you will have full access to almost pages for you to review and revise according to our policies we have in place.
If you have an interest in become a contributor, please complete the folowing steps.

Step 1: Click to join APSenseWiki.com (with your APSense Passport)

Step 2: Click on CONTACT US, select subject, APSense Contributor Application, then just send in your request to us.

  • You must have at least a 100 honor points and understand how to us Wiki Pages.
  • If you have these qualification then we love to hear from you and look forward to your support.
  • What you are trying to do is create a resource for members to find information on APSense, how it works, features etc. No advertising allowed!
This is a rewarding position that will enhance your abilities to grow within our communities here at APSense and improve our over all image to the rest of the world wide web, providing APSense with new members who will join our Social Media Site.

Thank you!

APSense Team

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