The growth of our new APSense Service, Augine Cyber Real Estate, has really been phenomenal. If you have been buying, selling, reanting or trading land, you know that the service has been doing great, and thanks to you it keeps growing.
Today we are happy to announce the launch of two new Continents, TRAVEL and HEALTH.
If you have a website or blog related to these niches then you will want to get your site listed. As with our other Continents they will fill up fast so get in early.
If you do not have a site or blog related to these niches but thinking of jumping in, now is a really good time to do so. You do not even have to spend money with hosting. Simply go to and create a free blog. For a step by step guide to setting up a blog and adding the widget, go here
You can then use some free content, or any PLR articles by google searches.
Once you have your blog set up, list it in Augine Cyber Real Estate, grab the widget, insert it in your blog and drive traffic to it.
If you want a good free source of traffic, sign up here its 100% free.
After you sign up, grab the HotSpot code and simply add it to your site right under the Augine widget. Now when people visit your site to read the Augine News, you will have another source of free traffic.
Click here to browse new continents on Augine Cyber Real Estate
APSense Team
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