Today I want to discuss ways in which you can find your hidden talents. For the purpose of APSense Talents, a talent is any creative skill or ability that you can monitize. It could be a creative skill, such as writing, graphic design, shooting or editing video, taking pictures, etc.
Sometimes it may be hard to think of oneself as creative in these terms, but as I stated this is just for APSense Talents purpose. For those that may have a difficult time thinking of something creative, they could turn to sites like Yahoo Ask! or for ideas.
Another talent that one could easily post has to do with identifying places of interest in their hometown and listing on APSense Talents. This could actually be done right from your computer via google maps, and you could offer localization help, which may include language translation, making a video, or take photos about such location. Along this same train of thought, think about how you may provide valueable info for any one wanting to travel to your State, city, town, or neighorhood.
What about exploring the teacher within? If you are fluent in another language, say Chinese or Spanish, to could post a talent similat to this "I will teach you say 10 basic greeting words in YOUR LANGUAGE HERE for $5.00 or more via Skype.
The possibilites are limitless. Just think small, think micro and set a low cost for a simple task. You have a talent that someone lacks and is willing to pay for. Discover yours and list your talents on APSense Talents today.
Browse and sell your talents now!
Good luck,
APSense Team
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