Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

11/1 Tubetorial

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How to Get Started Using Presets in Adobe Lightroom
October 31, 2009 at 3:54 pm


Hi everyone, and welcome to Tubetorial. I’m Lorraine Nepomuceno.

Today I want to show you how to get started using presets in Adobe Lightroom. Lightroom is an application that helps you manage all your digital images and do post-production work on them. It’s simple to use, and can be used by everyone from beginning photographers to professional ones. It’s certainly one of my favorite programs- and one of the main reasons is it’s Presets feature. So let’s get started:

I’ve started up Lightroom- and the first thing I want to do is import my photo. This is easy- I click the IMPORT button, and find my photo… here in the Pictures folder- and it’s now in the Lightroom LIBRARY. This is a photo of myself- it isn’t very high quality because it was just taken with Photobooth.

As you can see, I can actually make a few changes to the photo right here in the LIBRARY area- I could “auto White Balance” it, for example- but I won’t be doing that today. I’ll go right into the DEVELOP area.

The DEVELOP area is where you’ll be doing most of your post-production work on your photos… and this is where you’ll find your PRESETS- right here in the bottom left area of the screen.

As I roll my mouse over each Preset, you can see the changes that’ll be applied to the photo right here in the preview area.

How to Add a Watermark to your Photos in Photoshop
October 31, 2009 at 7:36 am


Hi everyone, and welcome to another episode of Tubetorial. Today I want to show you a quick and easy way to add a watermark to your photos in Photoshop.

A big concern of a lot of people these days is getting their photos stolen off their blogs or websites. Adding a watermark this way reduces the chances of that- and the watermark we’ll be adding is subtle enough so that it doesn’t detract from the beauty of the photo.

For this tutorial, I’ll be using a photo of an Apple Pie that I baked- here is the original photo- and here is the photo with the watermark added.

So, let me open the photo up in Photoshop.

The first thing I want to do is add a layer. This is where I’ll be putting the watermark, so I’ll go ahead and label it “Watermark”. And now, I’ll select the shape tool… let me select the rounded rectangle tool, just so it’s softer around the edges. I’m choosing a light yellowish color, but you can of course select whatever color you want.

Now, I want to lower the opacity of this layer, so that the original photo still shows through.

And finally, I’ll put my text in.

… and there you have it. I’ve watermarked my photo in Photoshop, and it was quick and easy.


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