Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Real quick...

Hey Agung, tonight at midnight, Rank Recon is closing for good.
No more 62% discount. No more new members. If you're still on the fence,
it's decision time. :)

I've been emailing you about it for the past week, and I can
say without any hesitation that it IS well worth your time.

Getting TARGETED traffic is the most important part of my business,
or any other successful website owner's business.

And there's a right and wrong way to optimize your sites for higher rankings.

There's the "guessing game strategy", where you optimize all of
your sites exactly the same, no matter what niche or keywords
you're trying to rank for. Good luck with that one method!

And then there's the right way... Figuring out what Google is
ALREADY ranking well, and then emulating that!

This is exactly what Rank Recon can do for you. But it's
closing in a few hours from now.

I highly recommend spending a few bucks and getting
a copy of this. If you're serious about your online business,
and I can't imagine why you wouldn't be, then getting more
traffic to your websites is a must... and you WILL want to do it

Here's the link:


And, again, it closes for good, tonight at midnight.
Have a great rest of the week!

Matt Callen

P.S. Here's the link one final time:

It closes at midnight tonight, for good.

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

[Closing] Hurry - only 1 Day left to get the Google spying tool.

I'll make this really quick because you need to check out the video
before the doors close for good....

Last week, I released my new software that essentially "uncovers"
Google's algorithm, and shows you how to outrank your competition.

Here's lifetime access at 62% Off, (closing in just 1 day)

You'll be able to discover what Google REALLY likes and learn how
to leapfrog past your competitors in the the
time is NOW to take action...

Watch this video to see exactly what Rank Recon can do for
your rankings and site's traffic!


enjoy the 62% off lifetime access too,

Matt Callen

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

61,754 visitors from Google Traffic?

You've probably heard about this already, but just making sure
because it's really REALLY cool.

And, by "cool", I mean "can help get you higher rankings and more
traffic to your sites".

I know we hear this all the time, but this software can help lay
out the steps to outranking your competition in Google. Go to and you'll see what I mean.

In short, you really just need to know what "Google

This is where you actually have a HUGE advantage, because you know
me :-)

I've been doing SEO (search engine optimization) on Google for
ages. If you know me at all, you know I love to create systems
that can be replicated over and over again to get me more traffic.

With my SEO and traffic generation strategies, one of our sites
got nearly 62,000 visitors from Google search traffic alone!
100% organic traffic! And this is one of the software programs
responsible for helping me get higher rankings.

Obviously, 62k visitors is a crazy amount and not everyone will get
that many from higher rankings, but just think about if you were
able to get just 1/3 of that traffic. What could that do to your

Check it out here:

This is only going to be available for a limited time, and closes
in the next 6 days.

It NEEDS to be in your hands, so I've done everything in my
power to make it very affordable (62% discount, to be exact).

So go to the link below, take a couple minutes to watch the video,
and get the inside scoop on what Google really wants, and actually
rewards in 2014...

Only 6 days remain:

Talk to you soon,

Matt Callen

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

[LIVE] private software uncovers Google's algorithm?

Hey Agung, getting backlinks and running an SEO
campaign is one thing... but are you building backlinks for the
RIGHT keywords, in the right amounts, at the right densities, and
MOST importantly in the way that Google WANTS to see?

"So how do we know what Google wants?"

Easy! Google is SHOWING You exactly what they want. :)

Sort of... We just have to dig a little to find it. You can do
it manually, but we created a private software to do it for us

Today, you can become a founding member. This is the only way you
can get this software, and it will only be made available for this
week, and then I'm closing the doors.

Yes, getting links is super important and is part of our SEO plan!
But there's more to it than that.

It's now more about getting the right kinds of links, in the
right way, with the right keywords, and in the way that Google

What we have to do is look at what Google is already ranking at
the top of its results, and dive in to the linking profiles of
THOSE sites.

More important than ever, you NEED to know what your linking profile
looks like... AND the profiles of your competitors. It's the
biggest determining factor when it comes to ranking on Google

If your competitors' sites are ranking in Google, all you have
to do is find out what Google likes about those sites' linking
profiles, and then do the same thing with your sites... just a
little better and with more links.

So HOW do we do that?

Today, we're releasing a new software program called Rank Recon
that, "uncovers" Google's algorithm for ranking
sites. It shows you what Google thinks is important.

I'm only making this available for the next 7 days and then
we're closing the doors.

PLUS, during this exclusive release of Rank Recon, you can get it
at 50% Off!

Watch this video here for more details:

If you go to the site too late, the doors will be closed. This is
on a 1st come, 1st serve basis... and ONLY for this week. So when
I say check it out now... I mean, NOW. :)

talk soon,
Matt Callen

ps. watch the video at the link below to see exactly what
Rank Recon can and will do for your rankings!


Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

How to get Authority Influencers to promote YOUR stuff... Works with ANY niche

Hey Agung, we all know that Authority and Influencers are becoming
a MUCH bigger part of Google's algorithm and a major player
of the future when it comes to SEO and social media.

I can't tell you how many times I've manually searched on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter for authority blogs and industry key players in all of the various
niches that I'm currently in.

Today, there's a really cool software that launched, called AuthoritySpy,
and it automates this entire process.

I'm really impressed.
Watch the demo here:

One of the coolest things it does is it gathers a ton of social data
from these authority influencers and creates a 'Spy Score'. This lets
you find the TRUE authorities and influencers across the entire web,
based off of the score.

The software works for any niche and any type of market. It's all
based off of the keyword(s) that you search for.

Check it out here, and watch the short demo. I think you'll be
very impressed!


AuthoritySpy is being sold at a one-time payment for a special,
50% OFF discounted price for the next 7 days ONLY.

So make sure to get access today.

Matt Callen

P.S. If you haven't downloaded my new FREE book that shows exactly
HOW I generated over 61,000 visitors in a month to one site,
go here:

Download it at the link above.

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

[Download Free] My New Traffic Formula Book

Hey Agung, I just released a NEW book showing the same strategies I use
on my sites, including one site that generated 61,754 visitors a month.

It's a BRAND NEW book that I'm giving out at NO COST

The book is no fluff, straight to the point and covers most of the
SEO/traffic generation questions we've been getting.

An EXACT strategy that's working in Google right now, this very

The tips I share in this book are the kind of tips that could be
found in a course. It answers really pertinent questions showing
exact steps that will help you get your sites to the top of Google.

There is nothing to buy, just a great book with lots
of training. (A true $97 vaue)

And this will only be available for the next 7 Days.
talk to you soon!

Matt Callen

Company Information:
iNet Innovation, Inc
2159 Glebe Street, Ste 270
Carmel, IN 46032

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: