Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Earn 300+ points on SocialVibe today!

It's not too late to give back this season!
The holidays are almost over, but it's not too late to give back! End the year on a positive note by supporting your cause with these fun points-earning activities!

- Earn 100 points: Tell TV Land how you've changed the most since high school.

- Earn 100 points: Answer MTV's The Buried Life's question: "What do you want to do before you die?"

- Earn 100 points: Add the SocialVibe Facebook app and take your fundraising above and beyond.

- Earn double donations in Dec: We're doubling all funds earned for Givapalooza charities this month, give them a last-minute boost!

For more ways to earn points and to hear about what else we've got going on, visit

Thanks for your continued support!

The SocialVibe Team
Copyright 2008
If you prefer not to receive email from SocialVibe, or if you've changed your email address, please click here.

Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Earn 300+ points on SocialVibe right now!

Celebrate the season & earn more points.
Before diving head first into your Christmas celebrations, take a few minutes to complete these easy activities that will make a big impact for your Cause!

- Earn 100 points: Spin Pernod Ricard's Wheel of Binge Drinking Excuses - please drink responsibly!

- Earn 100 points: Take the CW's Life Unexpected poll.

- Earn 100 points: Host a Holiday Feast on Facebook and earn real meals for people in need this season.*

- Earn 10 points: Upload your photo to MTV's Staying Alive collage to support AIDS awareness.

For more ways to earn points and to hear about what else we've got going on, visit

Thanks for your continued support, and Happy Holidays!

The SocialVibe Team

*To earn your 100 points, click on the pop-up ad for Holiday Feast on your SocialVibe Dashboard.
Copyright 2008
If you prefer not to receive email from SocialVibe, or if you've changed your email address, please click here.

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

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Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Earn 300+ points on SocialVibe right now!

Spread holiday cheer and earn points now.
Are you feeling the holiday spirit? Spread that joy with these points-earning activities that will help you earn more for your Cause today.

- Earn 100 points: Host a Holiday Feast on Facebook and earn real meals for people in need this season.*

- Earn 100 points: Tell Best Buy the oddest give you've ever given.

- Earn 100 points: Send a Recipe for Joy with Kraft to help provide 3 million meals this holiday with Feeding America.

- Earn 10 points: Create a holiday playlist with iTunes to earn a donation to your choice of charity.

For more ways to earn points and to hear about what else we've got going on, visit

Thanks for your continued support, and Happy Holidays!

The SocialVibe Team

*To earn your 100 points, click on the pop-up ad for Holiday Feast on your SocialVibe Dashboard.
Copyright 2008
If you prefer not to receive email from SocialVibe, or if you've changed your email address, please click here.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Tentang UT

----- Pesan Diteruskan ----
Dari: Doni Suhadak <>
Kepada: Maya <>
Terkirim: Rab, 25 November, 2009 09:40:28
Judul: Tentang UT

Yth. Sdr. Doni Suhadak

Saya setuju dengan usulan sosialisasi yang Saudara ajukan.




Dapat saya jelaskan sebagai berikut:

1.      Total sks yang masih harus Saudara tempuh adalah 47 sks.  Rincian mata kuliahnya silakan lihat di attachment.

2.      Dari 47 sks tersebut di dalamnya termasuk Tugas Akhir Akhir Program (TAP) sebesar 6 sks.  Jadi sebenarnya mata kuliah yang harus ditempuh hanya 41 sks (17 mata kuliah), itu pun Saudara TIDAK PERLU lagi menempuh mata kuliah PRAKTIKUM (BEBAS mata kuliah PRAKTIKUM).  Dengan dibebaskan dari mata kuliah PRAKTIKUM, Saudara diuntungkan dari segi finansial yang lumayan besarnya.

3.      Perkiraan saya (dengan pertimbangan Saudara kuliah sambil bekerja), Saudara mampu mengambil 16 sks per semester.

4.      Bila Saudara mengambil Semester I =16 sks, Semester II =16 sks, dan Semester III =9 sks ditambah TAP 6 sks, maka dalam 3 semester Sudara sudah lulus sebagai sarjana.

5.      Perkiraan biaya adalah sebagai berikut:

-        Biaya Layanan Administrasi dan Akademik = 3 semester X Rp 60.000= Rp 180.000

-        Biaya sks = Rp 20.000 X 41 sks = Rp 820.000

-        Biaya TAP = Rp 140.000

Jadi total Rp 1.140.000

6.      Ada pun perkiraan biaya bahan ajar (dengan asumsi rata-rata harga bahan ajar 40.000) adalah 17 mata kuliah X Rp 40.000 = Rp 680..000


Dengan kemampauan akademis yang Saudara punyai (saya lihat dari transkrip), saya rasa Saudara tidak perlu melakukan registrasi ulang karena nilainya jelek.  Dengan kata lain Saudara dapat menempuh semua mata kuliah tersebut dalam sekali jalan.  Dan itu berarti dengan biaya kurang dari 2 juta rupiah, Saudara sudah dapat jadi sarjana.


Itu jawaban saya, kalau masih ada yang kurang jelas silakan bertanya kembali.



Anang Suhardianto

Nama baru untuk Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan @rocketmail.
Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!

Berselancar lebih cepat.
Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di sini! (Gratis)

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